M.O.O.S. is an acronym for My Own Online System. If you are in the network marketing business then you know one of the greatest problems that you experience is you never own your database of recruits and potential recruits.
M.O.O.S. is here to help.
M.O.O.S allows you to create a recruiting website for any network marketing business and keep every lead for yourself, no matter what. If you or someone on your downline decides to move on, you will STILL have access to the leads in M.O.O.S.
With M.O.O.S. you have the flexibility of:
Creating a landing page designed by you for your clients, not your standard cookie-cutter network marketing company lander.
Managing your own database where you can view every lead you have, including your downline, forever.
Taking this downline system anywhere you go, regardless of switching companies!
You can market and re-market to the leads in your downline. Using multiple products and offers, you’re able to truly refine your downline depending on strengths.
Being able to see the leads of every person who uses your replicable marketing site. Why is this important? If someone quits your business after generating 100 leads, you can see those leads and reach out to them, even though their recruiter has left your business.
Using the Joey Matterhorn Toolbelt as well as buying fresh leads from Online Lead Exchange in order to supplement your recruiting and marketing efforts.
All of this can be yours for $99.00 a month. As your business grows you will be able to bring on your new recruits to use this product for only $19.95 per month, setting them up under your umbrella with the ability to duplicate your proven sales flow and start profiting immediately.
M.O.O.S. was made by network marketers for network marketers and we are here to solve one of the most difficult problems that network marketers face: losing their downline when switching companies.
If you’re ready to start making money, safely, using M.O.O.S. then fill out your information below and one of our representatives will be in contact with you shortly!